The We Are Art Exhibition - Knock Their Happy Socks Off!
‘Spring Colour’ by Lin Barrie
Seven Zimbabwean artists are handpainting wearable bow tie art that will instantly make whoever wears it the topic of every conversation within a square mile. No one's colourful stocks are going to be able to steal the show!
If you're looking for a unique gift that checks all the boxes:
☑ One-of-a-kind:
☑ Environmentally friendly
☑ For a good cause
☑ Makes the wearer look like they belong in an art gallery
Then the hand-painted bow ties we’re creating this year for our We Are Art Exhibition might be just what you've desperately been Googling for.
You might remember last year's exhibition? Where we gave three Zimbabwean artists blank bow ties made from upcycled fabric and they created some wonderful pieces of wearable art. We auctioned it off to raise over USD600 for our charity work. Well, this year we've got seven artists who are keen to give back to the creative community in Zimbabwe, and we're shooting for an even higher fundraising goal of USD2022!
The auction will start on November 20th and run for 10 days only. Follow us on social media for more frequent updates on what we're calling ‘The We Are Art Exhibition’!