The We Are Art Exhibition - Knock Their Happy Socks Off! Kim White29 October 2021bow ties, wear art, zimbabwe, charity, inspiringthenextgeneration, creativityComment
Can We Inspire the Next Generation Of Zimbabwean Artists? Kim White30 June 2021art, creativity, charity, social impact, social entrepreneurship, startup, inspiringthenextgenerationComment
Infinite Creativity Kim White17 February 2021creativity, pay it forward, sustainable fashion, creative sustainability, create zimbabwe, zimbabwe, slow fashion, bow ties, inspiringthenextgenerationComment
Experiments With How We Maximize Our Positive Impact Kim White22 August 2019inspiringthenextgeneration, pay it forward, mindfulmaterialism, social enterpriseComment
The Magic of Paying It Forward Kim White19 February 2019inspiringthenextgeneration, mindfulmaterialism, social enterprise, social impact, Zimbabwe, Mutare, creative artisansComment
Starting Up the ‘Social’ Side of Our Social Enterprise in Zimbabwe Kim White7 June 2018Zimbowtiessocial enterprise, Zimbabwe, Scholarships, growth mindset, design thinking, business with a purpose, bow ties, inspiringthenextgenerationComment
Teaching Kids in Zimbabwe to Design Away Their Problems Kim White12 May 2018inspiringthenextgeneration, social impact, social enterprise, zimbabwe, Mutare, pay it forward, design thinkingComment