The Magic of Paying It Forward Kim White19 February 2019inspiringthenextgeneration, mindfulmaterialism, social enterprise, social impact, Zimbabwe, Mutare, creative artisansComment
Future Thinking at Zimbowties Kim White19 February 2019fashion, textile, startup, vision, Zimbabwe, sustainable fashion, creative sustainabilityComment
Zimbowties Ignite! Kim White19 February 2019startup, Zimbabwe, Colorado, Life lessons, bow ties, public speakingComment
Setting a Course for Zimbowties in 2019 Kim White18 February 2019Entrepreneurship, Startup, social enterprise, Zimbabwe, handmade, business with a purpose, slow fashion, sustainable fashionComment
Starting Up the ‘Social’ Side of Our Social Enterprise in Zimbabwe Kim White7 June 2018Zimbowtiessocial enterprise, Zimbabwe, Scholarships, growth mindset, design thinking, business with a purpose, bow ties, inspiringthenextgenerationComment